New Website Launch

Marks and I are very excited to launch our new website: Historic Houston: Cemeteries, Streets & Lagniappe. We think you will discover fascinating stories about people buried in Houston area cemeteries and the people and places for whom the Houston area streets are named.

The Cemeteries section focuses on interesting people interred in area cemeteries. They may not be the most famous burials in a particular cemetery but they represent intriguing characters, influential leaders, champions, inventors, rogues and rascals. Furthermore, funeral customs, rituals, practices, funereal symbolism and other fascinating burial conventions are contained in the section entitled Sidebars.

The Streets section posts new street names that Marks has uncovered since the 2nd edition of his Historic Houston Streets: The Stories Behind the Names was published.

The Lagniappe section includes published and unpublished writings and musings by Marks.

Please feel free to share this with friends and others you think might be interested in it. Thank you.