Galveston’s Historic Cemeteries

Galveston AngelGalveston Texas is one of the state’s most historic cities. By the mid-1800’s, it had an international reputation with one of the busiest ports in the United States and was often referred to as the “Wall Street of the West.” By the 1920’s and ’30’s, it was called the “sin city on the Gulf.” The historic cemeteries we share in this post reveal a wealth of interesting people and history.


Performers of the Big Top, Hugo, Oklahoma

Step right up folks and meet snake handlers, trapeze artists, elephant trainers, bareback riders and more. It’s the biggest SHOW on earth.


PS: don’t forget you can click the photos to see them bigger.

Coming Soon: Performers of the Big Top

Big Top monument

At a follower’s suggestion, Marks and I traveled to Hugo Oklahoma recently to visit the Mt. Olivet Cemetery which includes a section dedicated to circus performers. We’ll be posting new entries as soon as possible. Just thought I’d give you a preview.


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